Essential tips to reviewing award, grant, and scholarship applications

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Reviewing award, grant, and scholarship applications

Reviewing awardgrant, and scholarship applications is essential to the success of running an award, grant, or scholarship program. As a program manager, it’s important to think about the experience and process for non administrators such as the applicants or the review committees.

When it comes to creating a review or evaluation process, it’s important to focus on developing a review workflow that fairly and accurately defines who the award, grant, or scholarship recipients are – but also in a way that is user friendly and engaging for the committee. Here is a sneak peak at how Reviewr powers this process.

In this webinar we discuss:
  • Who is Reviewr?
  • Leveraging technology to work smarter, not harder.
  • Picking a review workflow that actually makes sense.
  • One stop shopping – a centralized review workspace.
  • Mixing and matching – combining scores with deliberation
Leveraging technology to work smarter, not harder when reviewing award, grant, and scholarship applications.
  • It’s 2020 – embrace the digital experience with an emphasis on experience
  • Think of technology as your toolbelt is to a carpenter. It won’t build the house, but it can’t be built without it.
  • Dedicated tools (like Reviewr) exist for a reason. Often combining tools in ways unintended will cause more harm than good for your program.
Picking a review workflow that actually makes sense when reviewing award, grant, and scholarship applications.
  • The most common options:
    • All review members and judges review all submissions
    • Review teams are formed as committees to evaluate groups of submissions
    • Submissions are randomly assigned to review members
    • Submissions are assigned to review members based on the volume of entries
    • Role based – review members are assigned to submissions based on qualifications
  • How can you accurately and efficiently create these workflows and mange them?
  • Benefits of a multi-phase review workflow
    • Avoid overworking the review teams
    • Internal review and vetting narrows the pool of entries.
    • Higher quality and specific reviews
  • Think about the entire process
    • Tabulating results
    • Reassigning review teams to submissions
    • Progress tracking
    • Communication
    • Deliberation
    • etc
One stop shopping – a centralized review workspace when reviewing award, grant, and scholarship applications.
  • Dedicated review team portals
    • Submission data
    • Online evaluation and feedback
    • Access to supporting documents and files
    • Review team collaboration
  • Side effects of a disconnected or offline process
    • Increased time spent on task
    • Inability to track progress
    • Lost data and forgotten reviews
    • Inaccurate results reporting
  • Think long term – big picture
    • Additional reviews
    • Reporting
    • Archiving
    • Feedback sharing
Mix and match – combing scores with deliberation when reviewing award, grant, and scholarship applications.
  • Why is this important?
    • Do scores tell the full story?
    • Are all evaluations and review teams the same?
    • Scores help power a review team deliberation
  • What does this workflow look like?
    • Multi-phase
    • Share data in advance of deliberation meeting
    • Data powered conversations

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