Groups and Divisions

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Groups and Divisions


Groups and Divisions


This is the Groups and Divisions page. This is where you go to create or edit groups or divisions for an event. 




To add a group, select Gg1f5eOPVWxNX1KckIjJ 1b7mbOoWbd0xYXfpUyCV9xe0HpewWsnHG2ysYogb2xPgeIW6w19IjizSBwzON7a3AdCH yvFl13 pPqLbVbXb a9APgtOR5 OfoP7TgBDNs5lrkcvqv


Add Group Settings


  • Group Name – This will be the name for the group

  • Start Date and End Date – Have complete control over dates and deadlines for specific workflows. With open and close dates at the group level, you are able to manage editing ability for applicants and evaluations for certain segments of submissions.

  • Share evaluations with the competitors? – This should be enabled if you would like members in this group to see their evaluations on their own submissions

  • Hide this group’s view/tab in the Judge Submission Search? – This should be enabled if you would like to hide a group from 


You can search for groups by Group Name, Reviewer Name, or Reviewer Manager Name


You can sort groups by Group Name, Start Date, End Date, if Evaluations are Shared, and if the Group if Hidden from Judges by selecting the applicable option in the blue row above the group list


You can also Edit, Assign Reviewers, Assign Manager, and Management Assignments for each group

  • Edit – This allows you to change the Group Name, Start and End Dates, Auto-Assign Functions, Evaluation Share Settings, and Group Visibility Settings

Add Group Settings 1

  • Assign Reviewers – This will allow you to assign judges to a group to review the submissions in that group


Assign Reviewer


  • Assign Manager – This allows you to assign a manager for the group. The manager will be a judge who will be able to do all the actions an admin can do, just for that group. 


Assign Manager


Upon selecting Manage Assignments for a Group, you’ll have two options:

  1. Automatically assign all reviewers to all submissions – This should be selected unless you are manually assigning a certain number of judges to a submission or assigning a certain number of submissions to a judge
  2. I would like to decide the submissions assigned to each reviewer – This should be selected if you are manually assigning a certain number of judges to a submission or assigning a certain number of submissions to a judge


rxFgpg5Oj80HOh4EaDu8xv4wfjOGE07D2l U5uFUTidMX5EBi hI0N2i02DGc8E ct5mpCYWia3VqLtKcH2F4KPTxZPOZdWXqy4NPi60cOMirZW tvJyKBfyRp9 Fs9RChOEcBtc



The Submissions tab will allow you to search for a submission by Submission Name, Reviewer Count, or Reviewer Name

  • You can select one or more submission(s) by checking ZFkGcxX SQ Uiij4rY3CITh omM1pKMtRctNshzxKi wMElUk DmjRVTg0URnkTfWmqNp9rENDhz5n4dPxdTstqFmTo13UNp9ZDsvplcY E0NLkN5Hg SqwjYYvPfVM5QkMPm7F(‘s) on the far right. From there you can select one of the following options (Auto-Assign Reviewers, Clear Assignments, and Manually Assign Reviewers) from the ImpjOkkraK5XKuDNzsd0GBMi02PJncH9UUrgtz3xk2K74SEjRrc3zlamjQMT QRRi1YiiDJWNj9gyGMuo17eJvvV8fIqrIRCkTaIjwzI0K2bPMImJrbFfEFvEWN and then select GXqxk05i1W9cRrBtM4TkRCwKFaiszEny2nZ4vMClsVaoLqFBE8BpRSeRrIOxKyoA1y9ugfrvA9gZ RhjAqY6NXsog mpFqqfj4o9XVjS7zh63WmaO0nT2wDLXm20c9yl1wA4rGKf
    • Auto-Assign Reviewers – This will ask for a maximum and minimum amount of judges to be assigned to the selected submission(s)
    • Clear Assignments – Will clear all assigned judges from the selected submission(s)
    • Manually Assign Reviewers – This will allow you to pick specific reviewers to be assigned to the selected submission(s)
    • After any of the following, select Tyo HNeBWqC20vnprnFJXiRqufZQAfnbauTea1Xk 3bKri uybyCigN Tjze62zGWt01bsWRStu0IbcdUg, to save the changes


Manage Assignments Submissions



The Reviewers tab will allow you to search for a reviewer by Reviewer Name, Submission Count (assigned submissions), or Submission Name

  • You can select one or more reviewer(s) by checking the 6mbxVRYpEkUix7q dF7Nkf1DDHBdmqQa5P eHdqCGtyS7r1yDazfdzClfTFj5GOYKzrITWSrbVbv6 PlNeEmDXtsIaUGOCtVKbfhr9m66yCtkZbkEAsO LlfgK2pH0UjVmM N82l(‘s) on the far right. From there you can select on of the following options (Auto-Assign Submissions, Clear Assignments, and Manually Assign Submissions) from the 2OxYqZ mUn0Vb6D1MCpW oW2w1iRGj4K8xkhgGc Kj2qp5SJoXPkB3ct7aqAmO7flGqedUmyLojx3fdtM4jkcg8isUVl8Ub60WxaGiW NzvDFRZANh3n4 and then select Q9FfmU1uTaiSmTN1FJ7JolyKkGWCAk1x2XQ3puno8UlB3utvEtyaQZ2sABOl4jeVdimfBT4tdXNS3YdfbPk xZeewpqfyhB Xe5kzEsThQs OATTIbhp6QMc3EJ9eXFguBkVn n
    • Auto-Assign Submissions – This will ask for a maximum and minimum amount of submissions to be assigned to the selected judge(s)
    • Clear Assignments – Will clear all assigned submissions from the selected judge(s)
    • Manually Assign Submissions – This will allow you to pick specific submissions to be assigned to the selected judge(s)
    • After any of the following, select NssQUPjD9UpTkX8pU0ETFEb5H613sSOqDyQ0q Eke1QP8JwGegtIboesKd YO3gicbAOoRa6wSdyvrEe0mrvvR y3wZNRia9PipGbRUbeAbZRLuT8V1jugv9TeCSzgOLScmmRPRt, to save the changes


Manage Assignments Reviewers


You can also Delete multiple groups through the Bulk Actions option


Delete Group




To add a division, select EK7l0yyP3 DYmP71yWQjG17EP0txpJkqM1n pPRhMeXGrp5qlTK26dyzJ7QgA0qAsK9muFpHcXFBMFisnSgc5h7byuczsdULQSvbmRncQ8KX63I4eqLPeMAh lDjinikw 1kuur

  • Name – This will be the name for the division

  • Then select IJBPoz4FWUUrjE0ZjtfoeWpEOrQr3THqEOTBzfp0VE6qNJG92biacRZAbkEDYjgybP39u sxMCMGB IB to add the division


To edit a division, select GRVsAQxMUb7cC6Tc t81RlZ91w QPuVcp wMjEKhzEgi1zGEwdEPnmX78CoX3ZOLHxa80ebmEHErB XRSIepuTS7lXG h10rjn5oNDC849jFg0yFiM8Gz jAhwnXqCPmwC89igY5

  • Name – This will be the name for the division

  • Then select T KG9MA4HpkvsLIZYFM7rCITbwRx7eizrDovihXDMzB4cKGdlBVoQ2Bd4kho OR75C2ma H TNd7gXfAIrwLqhe5JrNiTRyYrooeXKZ1WEI 8L9to save the changes.




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