Inviting Judges

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How to invite judges and grant access to Reviewr

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  • Select the Calendar icon titled “Event Details” on the left navigation bar

  • Select “Manage Email Templates”

  • Select “Edit”

  • Click on the dropdown under “Select a Template to edit:”

  • Select the “Reviewer Invite Email”

  • Edit the email content as this will be the email that is sent to your Reviewers to get them system access. Note: Please modify the email content but avoid modifying the URL in the default email template. This is a unique URL that connects the judge with their account.

  • Select “Save”

  • Select the Clipboard icon titled “Management” on the left navigation bar

  • Select “Manage Reviewers”

  • Select the checkbox(es) next to the Reviewers you’d like to invite

  • Click on the dropdown in the bottom left

  • Select “Invite”

  • Select “Go”

    • Your Reviewers will receive an email where they’ll want to click the link. They’ll then be prompted to set their password.

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