Scholarships 2.0
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If the supplemental form is being requested by a 3rd party (reference, transcript, approval form, etc) applicants will now have a table with a button in their profile/application to “add supplemental form”. When clicked, they are prompted to enter the name, email, and type of supplemental form being requested. At this point they can either save and send the notification to the 3rd party, or save and exit. This is incredibly powerful as it allows the applicant to trigger the 3rd party notification prior to them completing their application, providing ample time for the 3rd party to submit.
Applicants will also have the ability to do this outside of the form while logged in under a new tab labeled “supplemental forms”. This section is also going to be where they add their own additional forms by clicking “add supplemental form”. This is the spot where they will add things like grant reporting documents, deliverables for multiple rounds, etc. Note: They can also request a 3rd party form here as well. Lastly, the table will outline a list of supplemental forms added, it’s status (such as received by third party, submitted by third party, etc), as well as the ability to view the supplemental form. With this, each supplemental form gets embedded directly into the profile for ease of viewing.
If supplemental forms are enabled, your command center dashboard will now offer some powerful insights into data collected from supplemental forms. On the dashboard you can now view how many supplemental forms have been submitted, the status of them, as well as the ability to view those forms and manage them. How will this be used? It’s a powerful way for example to view how many references were requested, how many have been submitted, as well as those in progress.
Also enabled with supplemental forms (left navigation) is a button to navigate to the “supplemental form” data. In this incredibly powerful interface program administrators can now search and view all supplemental forms as well as manage the data. This allows for things like sending reminder messages, generating reports, etc.
Schedule a Demo Calculate your ROI The Critical Importance of Systems in Scholarship Management: A Comprehensive Guide and Proven Framework In an
Schedule a Demo Measure your grants ROI TL;DR: Why Systematic Grant Management Matters Problem: Most grantmakers use disconnected tools (spreadsheets, email, shared