Reviewer Portal – Dashboard

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Judging Portal – Dashboard

This is the Judge Dashboard. This is where you’ll land upon logging in as a Judge.

Here are all the items on the dashboard:

  • Instructions – These are going to be instructions left by the event administrator.

  • Recommended Q&A – These are going to be common questions and the answers to those questions that you might have, that is set by the event administrator.

  • Attachments – These are items that the event administrator has provided for download.


You can switch between your assigned groups by selecting the desired group tab above the search criteria.


You can search for submissions assigned to you to review by Division, Label, Submission Name, First Name, Last Name, and Progress. When all desired search parameters are set, select . To reset all search parameters, select


You can sort submissions by Division, Submission ID, Submission Name, Team, Submitted Date, and Labels.


To view a submission, select



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